So here I am, new trip, feeling guilty and having a mental block because I didn't finish my Peru blog. Whenever I think of adding the first entry to Tasmania's one, this thought of perfectionism comes up and blocks me.

It really gets on the way and stops me from doing. This isn't an isolated thought, this happens to me in different aspects in my life. 

For instance, recently I damaged pretty badly the parquet at the entrance of my apartment. I was leaving on a weekend trip and I decided that leaving the trash next to the door would help me to remember, guess what, it didn't and it nastily leaked. It took me one week to take action. I was clearly neglecting it, unconsciously blaming myself for screwing up, for messing the apartment and leaving it in an "imperfect" state, thinking that probably it's ruined forever without even checking if it was the case, thinking in negative mode. In practice what I was doing was delaying an action, which is fine if one acknowledges it and one knows it can really be delayed. It is just all this mental effort and negative charge, that's pretty awful... Finally I stood up and took action, now I know (and now you know) that parquet stains can be cleaned up using hydrogen peroxide.

It has been four days since I landed in Tasmania, should I have written and posted every day since I came here? probably yes, however, acknowledging I didn't do it because I didn't have time, nor motivation, nor inspiration and realising that it has not so big impact since I do this firstly for myself, secondly, for my beloved ones and lastly, for anyone who finds it interesting, I believe those days of difference don't make as much impact as sharing, at some point, my experiences.

So the first day in Hobart was great, we arrived in our hostel dropped the bags and headed towards Salamanca market. A really cozy market, where you realise that Australia in general and Tasmania in particular are very multicultural. We had a Balkans style delicious meal and bought some interesting items. In my case it was a platypus puppet, pretty cool isn't it? :)

Later on we checked in and we had a nap as the trip was a nightmare. The night had as theme, local food local drinks, nothing special when one travels. But oh my, good in Hobart is just awesome! As I mentioned, here it's pretty multicultural, lots of Asian influences. So we finally went for a burger, pretty classic around here, but a special one: it was a burger where the bread was the steamed bao buns one, crazy right? at least that's what I thought. Then, this marvellous piece of food had a large slice of tofu marinated in a thick sofa based sauce and some vegetables. It was the best burger I ever had! While it really reminded me of steamed bao buns, the Asian food, it really has the consistency of a burger, crazy 🙈.

Later on we headed for some beers and we ended up in a pub where two weddings where being celebrated. I set ourselves a goal, to go around with a piece of paper and meeting locals so we can fill it with nice places to visit. The plan was a success, even though we had an idea in which b direction to go we were looking for two things: confirmation and new hidden places. We got both :)

From this point the trip continues 🚐💨
