So here I am, the trip is over but there is still a bit of time to write the final thoughts!

For the most curious and attentive to details, you might have noticed that on my way to Bangkok I didn’t save Doha as a spot even though I did stop there, but I am adding it now. It is true that I am a bit messy, but it is not a mistake, it has a meaning.

When I first stop in Doha, on my way to start my adventure, I forgot my eBook reader at the security control. Today I have recovered it which makes me really happy! Not because of the object itself, but because of what it means for me.

It was an advise from a good friend to carry it with me while traveling, so I could carry my Travel Guide as well as some books recommended by good friends I wanted to read, therefore, loaded with good vibes.

It was my will to discover myself, to spend time reading meaningful books, witnessing beautiful landscapes and meeting new people. It is important to highlight that this trip was about this for me, so starting loosing one of the key things managed to disturb me enough to start questioning myself. However, it didn’t last long, I just accepted it and hoped that once I get back I would recover it, otherwise it would be okaaay, I have backup of the books and the device is replaceable!

Beautiful, isn’t it? Almost. Sadly this thought came later, in the occasions I would have enjoyed reading one of those books. What is worse, this feelings would trigger new ones, from the past specifically. I have been quite lost the last two years, specially during last year. I had just an amazing time, new experiences and new challenges, but just as this bad memory during holidays, I had something in my mind which would come up always when something went wrong on when pressure knocked at my door, a broken heart.

That’s why during this trip I was seeking for answers. I had the opportunity to talk with a young monk in Chiang Mai, I was so interested in this kind of feelings and how to handle them. I managed to have him telling me that he cheated on an exam because basically he did his best and he thought it wouldn’t be enough and it was his opportunity to continue in Thailand (he is from Myanmar). He told me that he gets nervous too, and that some times anger and pain goes through him, but that’s the key he said, he lets the feelings go, acceptance.

I was kind of aware of many of those terms, since a read them in the book The power of now, which Dani specially recommended to me when he knew I was doing this trip, luck? I don’t think so. During this trip I wanted to read, and I finally did because I bought it physically, Siddhartha, thanks to JB! It was really interesting, and together with the previous book and the monk chat, it helped me to see things with different optics! I don’t think I advanced that much, but I have the energy, good vibes and will to continue on the right track.

Finally, what was lost and could be found was the eReader, for myself there is still work to do, but I think I am not in square one anymore, this trip taught me a lot!

Hasta el próximo viaje!
